Monday, 22 December 2014

Brokenheartedness I

The first thing listed in what God was wanting to do for His people through Jesus that is listed in Luke 4:18 is to bind up the broken-hearted.  So the next question that we have to ask ourselves is what is a broken heart?

Most of us who are adults might reflect on some shattered romance from the past that ‘broke our hearts’ as we would say….or even pain that we experience in our current relationships when hurtful things happen.  Perhaps we might even recall times where we were very sad and broken in childhood or at school.

So what exactly is it about these events that made us so sad?  Most often it is rejection coming from another that cause hurt to our identity. Rejected and discarded as not good enough, not important, worthless or some other form of not being wanted. Non acceptance = rejection. From this we deduce that broken heartedness is far more common than we may have thought. In fact many if not nearly all of us have had broken hearts at some level. The beliefs associated with rejection are often lurking just below the surface and are ‘triggered’ when the right stressor or situation comes along. The promise of God is ministry through the Holy Spirit to set us free from this inner problem.  Listen to the Message...

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