Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Finger of God (Part 1)

In this age we see a proliferation of spiritual practices and beliefs. These range from various religions and occult practices through to Hollywood’s take on spirits and even demonic activity.

The only real reference for truth in this area is God’s ‘spirit level’ the Bible. The scriptures reveal the reality of demonic activity, how it can affect humanity, and includes how it may be dealt with.

To effectively sort out the problems that come through this realm we must first understand human participation in allowing the manifestation of these spirit entities...Listen to the Message

Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Words of Our Confession

Do we please God with the things we say?  God wants us to hold fast to the words of our confession; our confession of faith in Him is a reflection of our relationship with Him.  What are we confessing?  Victory or defeat?  Sickness or health?  Provision or lack?  Unbelief is a health hazard in itself.  It brings about a negative confession and we'll soon see that we can't rise above our confession.

So change the confession...

Our hearts need to be full of God's Word so that what we speak is consistent with His Word.  When our hearts reflect His Word, the confession of our tongue is in keeping with God's desire for us and what He's placed within our heart through His Word.  We speak victory, health and prosperity (to name a few) because our faith is alive in Him and our tongue confesses (speaks) the truths that abide within our heart.  Listen to the Message...

Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Gospel of the Unders & Overs (Part 2)

The scriptures reveal that as mankind journeys through life we are tested, tried and proven in regards to our attitude towards God.  This testing is done through temptations that are on offer which we prioritize over God’s revealed will for our lives.  The problem is often that we do not believe that the Lord has our best interests at heart, that He himself is good, and that He indeed loves us.

Biblical revelation directs us to understand that there is a battle going on for our free will and choice.  We can choose what the world offers, that which would exalt ourselves, or those things that please God.  The things which please God are actually the same things that bring us true happiness.
There is a battle going on from spiritual forces outside of our being to influence our decisions. 

There is also a battle that goes on within us between the parts of our being which want God and the parts that want to submit to the outside influences.  The only place of peace is making a ‘once for all time’ decision to be fully aligned under God’s way...  Listen to the Message.

The Gospel of the Unders & Overs (Part 1)

As we go through life it is easy for us to assume that our thoughts are simply our thoughts. The reality revealed in the scriptures is that this is far from the truth. We are indeed influenced by unseen powers which sway our thought life and impact our behaviour. Once we realize that this is the case the next thing that we need to know is that these unseen influences are looking for cooperation to participate with them in their activities on Earth.

God often gets the blame for things which happen in our World. The sad reality is that it has always been mankind’s submission to these spirit beings which gives them power to cause the troubles that we see. It is the deception that this realm even exists that keeps the continued cooperation of humanity in place... Listen to the Message.