Tuesday 15 April 2014

Focus Your Radar On The Holy Spirit

We all have an internal radar but where do we have it pointed?  What's it picking up - the things of God or the things of this world?

We concern ourselves with everything around us so much that our radar ends up getting stuck on self;  focused on all those things that impact the way we feel about our situations, how we feel about ourselves, what we think of ourselves, how much money we have (or don't have), the job we have and don't like, the people that rub us up the wrong way, the things we get upset about....and the list goes on.  Focusing on self will well and truly cause your radar to get corroded into place.  And then it takes a major effort to get it unlocked and moving again.

The Word of God says that focusing on self is the opposite to focusing on God. (Romans 8:5-8  Message Bible).

The thing about radars is that they're only designed to pick up a signal from the source that they're pointed at.  They can't pick up the signal from behind.  So if your radar is focused on self, then according to the Word, the back of your radar is pointed towards God.  You can't pick up the signal from God if you're busy picking up the signal from self.

This is why when we listen to God, when we have our radar pointed to the Holy Spirit to hear His voice, we sacrifice self.  Listen to the Message.

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